Structure of  A.S.D. ATD772

"The President"

Paolo Fogazzi president of  A.S.D. ATD772

Former Italian special forces "Com.Sub.IN "

NRA Certificate Instructor 

Pistol - Carbine - Shotgun - Sniper ATD772 Instructor


"The Vice President"

Davide Andreis vice president of A.S.D. ATD772

Former Italian special forces "Com.Sub.IN "

Pistol - Carbine - Shotgun - ATD772 Instructor

"The Secretary"

Giacomo Secretary of A.S.D. ATD772

Pistol ATD772 Instructor | Carbine ATD772 Instructor

"The Socio"

Giuseppe co founder  of A.S.D. ATD772.

"The Wolf"

Alessandro co founder  of A.S.D. ATD772


and the fixer of ATD772

"The Accountant"

Daniele co founder of  A.S.D. ATD772

who take care us.